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The Power of Accountability: How it Can Catapult Your Career Success

I was having lunch with a friend whom I had not seen in a while. Naturally, I was excited to see her and could not wait to catch up. As expected, it started with hugs, excited compliments about how we both looked and snagging some selfies. But shortly after this, something happened. The excitement of seeing each other and catching up quickly spiraled into a conversation about everything going wrong with her job.

I listened intently as she discussed her dissatisfaction with the organization. She talked about how her role had changed and didn’t care for the direction it was going in. She discussed the changes in leadership and how the new leadership was running the company into the ground. She dove into how her new boss was overbearing, chaotic and didn’t give her the autonomy she needed to get her job done.

As she continued to talk, I just listened and observed. I saw the stress on her face and how tired she looked. I noticed her shoulders were hunched over, and her once-perfect posture was no longer present. I could hear the frustration and the pain in her voice as she spoke. She attempted to mask her voice when it would crack with a laugh, but I heard it.

As we wrapped up lunch, we hugged each other goodbye and headed to our cars. I took another look in her direction to watch her walk away. This once, high energy vibrant woman was barely thriving. It was apparent that she was doing everything she could to survive. But I wondered if she knew that she played a role in her current circumstances and could change it if she wanted to. Of course, she wanted to. I mean, why would anyone choose to go through this on purpose? Right?

The Power of Accountability

We have all experienced something like this. Whether it be at work or in our personal lives. You see the obstacles, the red flags, and the warning signs, and instead of pivoting, you continue to muscle through the undesirable situation. You adopt a victim mentality of “Why is this happening to me?” versus taking accountability for your role.

You may ask yourself, “How am I responsible for this?” I am here to tell you that we all play a role in what unfolds in our careers, whether we want to admit to it or not.

Ask yourself:

  • Were there red flags in the interview process that you ignored?

  • Have you allowed your boundaries to be disrespected to keep the peace?

  • Did you find comfort in being complacent and not being fully utilized?

  • Did you go with the flow because it was what you were “supposed to do?”

  • Was it fear and self-doubt that kept you there?

Until we take accountability for our part, we will continue to give the power of our career to someone else. As a professional, one of the most crucial habits you can develop for success is holding yourself accountable. This means that you own up to your actions or inactions, take responsibility for your mistakes, and do what it takes to improve yourself and your current situation. While it may seem hard, especially when things don't go as planned, holding yourself accountable offers numerous benefits that can lead to excellent career success.

"If you own this story, you get to write the ending."
Brene' Brown

The truth is that we all have the power of free will and the ability to choose another direction. Typically, you will be faced with three options.

Option I. Acknowledge the situation for what it is, accept it, and continue to do the same thing.

Out of the three options, this is my least favorite. Why? Because this means you have entirely given up your power and, ultimately, your career trajectory. You have settled for something less than what you deserve. It may be the path of least resistance, but this path will cause you the most heartache. It will derail you from living a fulfilling life and rob you of your joy.

Option II: Acknowledge the situation for what it is, accept it, and make it work for you.

People stay at companies for many different reasons. You may need more flexibility, and your current company provides that. You may be focusing on building your own business, and the work in your current role is straightforward, giving you the mental capacity to focus on your business. Your job may differ from your ideal role, but you can access mentoring and development to help you get to the position you want.

This list could go on and on. The main point to take away is if your current company or position is not ideal, but you can repurpose it and use it to get you closer to what will bring you joy, go for it! Just know that you must accept the bad and ugly for what they are and keep your eyes on the bigger prize. Establishing healthy boundaries and a self-care strategy is also needed to ensure you can protect your peace while attaining your ultimate goal.

Option III. Acknowledge the situation for what it is and decide you are ready to find something that aligns with your passion.

Then there is the boldest of the three (take one guess, which is my favorite). This is when you acknowledge your role in what is driving your unhappiness and create an action plan to make a move. This option is often the scariest of the three but offers the biggest reward.

"Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it."
Steve Maraboli


Demonstrating accountability not only affords you the option to have complete control over your career, but it also serves as a vehicle to achieve your desired results on your terms by:

Keeping Yourself Focused

You can quickly lose track of your goals, tasks, or deadlines when you don't hold yourself accountable. When you take ownership of your career, you will likely remain focused and motivated to achieve your goals. Holding yourself accountable also helps you stay committed to your priorities and avoid distractions that could slow you down or derail you.

Improving Your Performance

Accepting responsibility for your performance makes you more likely to see where you need improvement. You can analyze your work and identify what areas you need to work on to deliver better results. You will also have the insight to know what types of stretch assignments you need to aid your development, ultimately leading to outstanding career success.

Strengthening Your Work Ethic

Being in the driver’s seat of your career requires you to be disciplined and responsible, reinforcing a solid work ethic. Because your name and brand are on the line, you consistently show up, do your work, and deliver quality results. This work ethic will allow you to stand out as a top performer.


As you begin this journey, some common obstacles can make it challenging to hold yourself accountable.

Owning your role in the Current Situation.

As you can imagine, it is not always easy to admit that a decision you made has resulted in the cause of your unhappiness. It is much easier to point the finger at your boss, colleagues, and even the CEO and blame them for not being where you want to be in your career. However, learning to take accountability is crucial to personal and professional growth. Once you become comfortable with this notion, you will begin to take control of your career and its trajectory.

Fear of failure

Often, people avoid taking responsibility for their actions because they fear failure. This fear can paralyze you from taking necessary risks and making important decisions. Eventually, this will result in your decision (willingly or unwillingly) to remain in a situation that no longer serves you.

Lack of Clarity

Lack of clarity is another obstacle to accountability. With clear goals and objectives, it can be easier to hold yourself accountable and know when you should make a move. When you are clear about what you are trying to achieve and the steps you must take to get there, you are more likely to commit to the path and drive the desired results.

Lack of Discipline

This is a good one! Sticking to a plan or routine can be challenging, especially when facing distractions or competing priorities. If you are not careful, you will find yourself in the same place month after month with very little to show for it. To move your career forward, you must develop discipline and focus to hold yourself accountable.


I am all for holding oneself accountable, but I do not support doing so at the expense of diminishing your self-confidence and impeding your mental health. As with everything in life, holding yourself accountable should be done from a place of love. Here are some steps to help you with this.

Set realistic goals: Start with small, achievable goals you can accomplish.

Create a plan: Write down a plan of action with specific steps to reach your goals. Commit to taking one step every day to achieve progress.

Stay positive: Focus on your progress rather than what you still need to accomplish. Celebrate your achievements!

Be gentle with yourself: Remember that mistakes are a natural part of learning. Please don’t beat yourself up over them. I would also recommend refraining from indulging in negative self-talk. When a mistake happens, and they will, seek to find the lesson and commit to doing better next time.

Find support: Surround yourself with people who will encourage and support you on your journey. Having a tribe of family, friends, mentors, and coaches will prove valuable, especially when you hit a rough patch. Remember, we all need help, and leaning on your tribe is not a sign of weakness; it is brave!

Taking full accountability for your career will lead to tremendous career success. It takes discipline, commitment, and the willingness to learn from your mistakes, but the rewards are worth it. When you take ownership of your actions, you become the author of your story. So, how do you want your story to end?

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