Have you ever noticed how kids are just attracted to puddles on a rainy day? There is nothing more delightful than watching a child, decked out in their rain gear, laughing that deep belly laugh and having a good time just dancing in the rain. But as we grow older, we tend to lose the ability to see this as fun. Why?
Rainy days are inconvenient, disruptive. They derail our initial plans and cause us to pivot or worse cancel our endeavors all together. Rainy days can be cold, dreary or even depressing. Sometimes, these days can be overwhelming and frustrating. These days can even bring us to our breaking point and cause us to long for better days. The days that are sunny, warm and invigorating.
But did you know without the rain grass would not grow, flowers would be unable to bloom, and trees would not come back to life after the winter months. Without the rain the earth would not be able replenish the lakes, rivers and oceans, or supply drinking water. Without the rain, crops would be unable to grow, and livestock would perish. All of which are essential for human survival!
This makes you wonder, are rainy days so bad? I would argue no. Can they be a hassle? Can they be frustrating? Can they make you question why you spent all that time doing you hair just for it to look like a hot mess? Yes! But I also know that it was during the rainy seasons when my character was shaped. It was during the rainy seasons where I developed my work ethics, my grit. It was during the rainy seasons when I discovered how much I could handle. It was during the rainy seasons when I developed the fire in my belly to want more and to do more. It was during the rainy seasons, when I grew, when I was replenished and when I bloomed.
So, the next time you are faced with a rainy day or season, break out the rain boots, jump in that puddle, and dance in the rain! Because what you will get out of the rainy season will always be better than what you had before.